
I have two very different blogs that could fit under this title today. I am choosing the one that brings me joy, not the hardship that has crept its way into my thoughts yet again. That one I want to tuck away, tuck away and walk away from if I could, but I know I need to face that demon-and I will, but for this weekend I am tucking it away and choosing joy.

So here is my joy-FULL “Help.” post.

Here at Quisqueya I am teaching Sign Language 1 and Senior Transitions. My ASL 1 class has 11 students in it-all seniors. My Transitions class has 19 students in all of the seniors here at QCS. It’s no secret I love my classes, but even more than that, I love the opportunity to teach my student….and learn from them. As I walk this journey with the Lord, as I learn how to be a follower, I am blessed to count them as part of this journey.

In ASL class one of our new vocab words this week is “Help.” We were reviewing our words, meaning I already taught them the signs the day before. With my back to them, I asked “OK guys, whats the sign for ‘help’?” Turning to look at their answers, I had an itch, I was scratching both sides of my head in a bit of vigurous motion. One of those killing two birds with one stone moments, scratching my head and fluffing my curls.

Well, when I looked at my students, they were ALL, everyone of them doing the same thing-scratching the sides of their head.

I busted out laughing, “Guys, WHAT are you doing?”

“The sign for ‘Help’ Miss, this is what you are doing.”

Apparently they had forgotten what they learned the day before, the correct sign for “Help.”

Oh the joys of teaching.

Our theme here at Quisqueya is “Following Jesus” We have talked a lot about who we are following, how to be followers; disciples. For me, I often think of how I am teaching as I am learning. As teachers we are leaders, we are examples. Our students, our own children, are all watching us. Watching our example. And if we aren’t careful, they might follow the wrong example.

I want to “help” my students be followers, but that comes with teaching them the right signs, by being the right example.

(Be sure to smile at some one today, it might be exactly what they need) 🙂

Posted on September 27, 2013, in 2013 and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 1 Comment.

  1. praying for you dear 🙂 kisses and hugs from Brazil! i hope to see you in Haiti one day soon! in God’s timing 🙂

    Spread Joy Today! Carissa Caricato 770-851-0546

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